Our mission.​ Empowering cleaners worldwide.​

i-team Global was born out of the mission to empower cleaners by developing the highest quality sustainable cleaning equipment. We are driven to create a cleaner and safer environment for people, and to protect our planet at the same time. Innovation and social responsibility, thus, are the pillars are organisation is built on.

We are now taking major steps in our sustainability journey. This portal, and the content within it, is our way of taking you along with us.

Read about our efforts. Sustainability magazine.

In 2023 we have been focused on putting objectives on paper, establishing specific responsibilities and functions, and streamlining our communication so we can continue to improve consistently. The aim is not to achieve perfection. Instead we want to do our part, and do the best we can. 

In this sustainability magazine you can read all about our goals and their implementation, learn about the new ESG team, and see what sustainable initiatives are happening within i-team Global.

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How the i-dose system is changing the cleaning game

Plug and Play: One battery to power your entire fleet

Sustainable product innovation

Projects in progress: A look behind the scenes

Our mission: from cleaner to hospitality host.

Company Profile

The new Flight Forum: an inside look